Results for 'Ş. İlgü Özler'

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  1.  39
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Seventy: Progress and Challenges.Ş İlgü Özler - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (4):395-406.
    Now is a good time to take stock of the global progress made toward achieving the ideals enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was passed by the UN General Assembly seventy years ago. Though the UDHR has played a vital role in advancing human rights globally, threats to human rights areever present. Two issues in particular stand out as barriers to further progress. The first is state sovereignty, which presents a fundamental challenge to any effort to establish (...)
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  2.  19
    The United Nations at Seventy-Five: Passing the COVID Test?Ş. İlgü Özler - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (4):445-456.
    The complex issues of the twenty-first century cannot be addressed by disparate actors in the global arena. This has become even more apparent in 2020, as we celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the UN and have witnessed the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has put the UN system to the test, demonstrating weaknesses in regard to peace and security, sustainable socioeconomic development, and human rights, the three core mission areas of the organization. The underlying tensions between the (...)
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    The Moral Value of Social Shame in Adam Smith's The Theory of Moral Sentiments.Şule Ozler - 2024 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 22 (1):37-55.
    Central to the debate on the moral relevance of shame is whether we take others’ assessments of our moral shortcomings seriously. Some argue that viewing shame as a social emotion undermines the moral standing of shame; for a moral agent, what is authoritative are his own moral values, not the mere disapproval of others. Adam Smith's framework sheds some light on the contemporary debates in philosophy on the moral value of shame. Shame is mostly a social emotion but has moral (...)
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  4.  17
    Afet Riski Bulunan Yerlerde Afete Karşı Dirençlilikte Belediyelerin Rolü.Murat Özler - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):421-443.
    Afetler doğal ve insan orijinli olay ve olguların sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan ve insan toplumları ve yerleşim yerleri üzerinde can ve mal kaybı yaratarak zararlar meydana getiren olaylardır. Afetlerden topyekun kaçış söz konusu olmasa bile afete neden olan olay ve olgulara karşı yürütülecek risk azaltma önlemleri ile afet yönetimi mümkün olabilecektir. Yüksek düzeyde risk ile mücadelede başarı şansı düşük iken azaltılmış risk ile mücadelenin başarısı daha yüksek olacaktır. Diğer yandan, toplumu oluşturan bireylerin eğitimi ve bu konuda toplumsal direncin, afet direncinin (...)
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  5.  43
    The Paradox of Wealth and Happiness in Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments.Şule Özler - 2022 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 20 (3):203-216.
    Smith’s statements on wealth and happiness are paradoxical. On the one hand, Smith states that individuals’ pursuit of wealth is beneficial for society because it leads to economic growth and establishes rank and order in society. On the other hand, he appears to say that pursuit of wealth leaves individuals unhappy. Griswold refers to this as ‘comic irony’. In this paper, by examining what Smith says about wealth and happiness, we attempt to resolve this paradox. Towards this end, we analyze (...)
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    Varoluşsal di̇n felsefesi̇ne gi̇ri̇ş.Aslıhan Özler - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32).
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    Phenomenology as a Special Form of Philosophical Thinking and Method: Husserlian Phenomenology.Hüseyin Aydoğdu - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:2):391-418.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, fenomenoloji ile fenomenolojik yöntemin ne olduğunun ve neyi hedeflediğinin varlık ve bilgi problemlerinden hareketle incelenmesidir. Husserl, fenomenoloji felsefesini Avrupa bilimler krizinin neden olduğu felsefesizliğe bir tepki olarak geliştirmiştir. Fenomenolojinin hedefi, bilince verili olan fenomenleri çözümlemektir. Fenomenoloji şeyler hakkında değil, onların kendilerini gösterme biçimleri hakkında konuşur. Fenomenolojik yöntem fenomenolojik tavırla başlar, yönelimsellikle de devam eder. Fenomenolojik yöntem araştırmasını daha sonra fenomenolojik epoke, fenomenolojik redüksiyon, fenomenolojik refleksiyon ve fenomenolojik betimleme ile sürdürür. Bu süreçte bilincin ulaştığı özler, üzerlerine bilginin (...)
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    Savaş ve bariş durumu: Nedenler, i̇stençler ve benli̇kler üzeri̇nden bi̇r tartişma.Metin Yasa - 2019 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 31:6-12.
    İnsan çok yönlü bir varlıktır ve onun bu çok yönlü oluşu bir açıdan özünde taşıdığı çift kutupların etkin uzantılarıyla açıklanabilir. Doğrusu, çift kutuplu insanda nedenler üzerinden işleyen faktörlerden biri benlik diğeri ise istençtir. İnsanı tanıma girişimlerinde etkin olan benlik ve istenç faktörleri, kişilik çözümlemesi yapan psikologlarca, sıklıkla gündeme getirilir. Benlik ve istenç, içinde insanlığı derinden etkileyen iki deneyim türü olarak savaş ve barışın da bulunduğu pek çok durumu yönlendiren özlere sahiptir. İnsanın çok yönlü oluşu söz konusu edildiğinde, onda, benlikleri harekete (...)
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  9.  8
    Sangho munhwajŏk chip'yŏng esŏ ilgŭn Han'guk Pulgyo wa Sŏyang ch'ŏrhak.Yŏng-P'il Kim - 2010 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Han'guk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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  10.  16
    A! 19-segi Chosŏn ŭl tok hada: 19-segi sirhakchadŭl ŭi sam kwa sasang.Ho-yun Kan - 2020 - Sŏul-si: Saemulkyŏl P'ŭllŏsŭ.
    1. Yŏn'gyŏngjae Sŏng Hae-ŭng. "Yŏn'gyŏngjae chŏnjip", innŭn sasil ŭl kŭdaero kirok hada -- 2. P'ungsŏk Sŏ Yu-gu. "Imwŏn kyŏngjeji", hŭlkuk kwa chongittŏk in hangmun ŭn anŭrira -- 3. Oju Yi Kyu-gyŏng. "Ojuyŏn munjang chŏnsan'go", pakhak kwa kojŭnghak ŭro modŭn kŏt ŭl pyŏnjŭng hara -- 4. Tasan Chŏng Yag-yong. "Mongmin simsŏ", sidae rŭl ap'ahago paeksŏngdŭl ŭi pich'am han sam e punno haeya handa -- 5. Ch'ujae Cho Su-sam. "Ch'ujae chip", nara ka mangharyŏmyŏn pandŭsi yomul i naonda -- 6. Nakhasaeng Yi Hak-kyu. (...)
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    Back to princeton: rereading rorty. [REVIEW]И.Д Джохадзе - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):226-231.
    The fifth volume of Richard Rorty's "Philosophical papers" published by Cambridge University Press, consists of the works which American philosopher wrote at the very dawn of his career in 1960s and early 1970s. In these essays Rorty addresses issues of transcendental argumentation, the internalism/externalism controversy, mind-body dualism and psychophysical monism, semantic truth, reference and justification. Supplemented by Daniel Dennett's Foreword, the book gives an excellent idea of Rorty's «analytical» writings and his evolution from eliminative materialism to pragmatism.
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    Межі й можливості методу дослідження констеляцій.Віталій Терлецький - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):169-178.
    The study of Kant’s anthropology, proposed by Viktor Kozlovskyi in its original and thorough monograph, is an entirely new interpretation of Kant’s answer to the fundamental question “What is man?”. On the basis of the philosopher’s heritage and taking into account the large body of research lit-erature, Kozlovskyi reconstructs five conceptual “human models” in Kant’s anthropological discourse. However, this study contains a number of problematic statements and conclusions. I argue first, that there is some inconsistency between Kant’s understanding of the (...)
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    調停トレーニングにおけるアドバイザエージェント.片上 大輔 田中 貴紘 - 2006 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 21:319-329.
    This paper describes an agent that shows advices for supporting mediator on our online mediation support system. The purpose of the advice is an education of mediator, and the agent presents it instead of the teacher. In this research, at first, we defined a mediation model that is an argumentation model between 3 people. Then, we defined some advice models based on the mediation model. The advice models create advice elements. The adviser agent monitors the mediation, gathers advice elements referring (...)
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  14.  10
    Anthropology as a Strict Science? To the question of the methodological substantiation of philosophical anthropology Article 2. M. Sheler. In search of a method. [REVIEW]Сергей Смирнов - 2020 - Philosophical Anthropology 6 (1):27-40.
    The article continues the series of works devoted to the problem of methodological substantiation of the subject of philosophical anthropology, and thereby its substantiation as a strict science. The conversation is based on search materials carried out in the German classics of the ХХ century. The first article was devoted to the experience of E. Husserl. This article is devoted to the M. Scheler’s search. The author thus relies not so much on the published and very fragmentary works of M. (...)
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  15. Kur’an’da Tevhidin İnşa Süreci.Fikrullah Çakmak - 2018 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 49:83-103.
    Tevhid İslam inancının özünü oluşturan temel ilkedir. Yaratılışla beraber bütün peygamberlerin Allah adına ortaya koydukları akidedir. Bu inanç tek ilah çevresinde oluşan düşünme biçimini, hayat tarzını ifade eder. Bu bağlamda inanç, ibadet ve muamelat unsurlarının birbirleriyle anlamlı birlikteliğinin sonucudur. Tevhid sadece Allah’ın zatına yönelik söylemler olmayıp Allah-kâinat kilişkisinin nasıl işlediğini belirleyen sistemdir. Bu ilişkide Allah ile kâinat arasına etkin kuvvetler sokuşturmak mümkün değildir. Allah’ın, yaratıklarıyla özelde ise insanla olan ilişkisi esnasında O’nu pasif konumda bırakacak her türlü inanç ve düşünce tevhidin (...)
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  16.  19
    Histoire et décision dans les traités de l’Ereignis.César Gómez Algarra - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):55-75.
    History and Decision in Heidegger’s Private Writings: The animal historicum and the Da-sein In this paper, we aim to reconstruct Heidegger’s critique of the modern conception of subjectivity, history and freedom, as it appears in his posthumous writings and in the Black Notebooks of the 1930’s and 1940’s. In order to do so, we will examine the meaning of decision ( Entscheidung ) and its links with the history of Be-ing ( Geschichte des Seyns ). Our first section will be (...)
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  17. Nietzsche en Cortázar.Cristina Ambrosini - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
  18.  61
    The Priority of Philosophical Anthropology towards Ethics.Georgia Apostolopoulou - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:9-15.
    Philosophical anthropology, as Helmuth Plessner has explored it, vindicates its relative priority towards ethics, because it can set out the anthropological prerequisites for considering the moral subject as the embodied person. This claim, however, is still an open question. Walter Schulz has argued that the prevalence of science in contemporary life brings ethics to the fore and forces philosophical anthropology to an auxiliary exploration of ‘leading figures of thehuman’. Jürgen Habermas endorses Plessner’s exploration of the issue of the body, in (...)
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  19.  10
    A philosophy of mizvot: the religious-ethical concepts of Judaism, their roots in biblical law, and the oral tradition.Gersion Appel - 1975 - New York: Ktav Pub. House.
    A Philosophy of Mitzvot by Rabbi Dr. Gersion Appel sets forth the Hinnukh's objectives and his approach to revealing the religious and ethical meaning of the mitzvot. In his wide-ranging study, the author presents a comprehensive view of Jewish philosophy as developed by the Hinnukh and the classical Jewish philosophers. The Hinnukh emerges in this study as a great educator and moral and religious guide, and his classic work as a treasure-trove of Jewish knowledge, religious inspiration, and brilliant insight in (...)
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  20.  91
    Ad and patterns of singular cardinals below θ.Arthur Apter - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):225-235.
    Using Steel's recent result that assuming AD, in L[R] below Θ, κ is regular $\operatorname{iff} \kappa$ is measurable, we mimic below Θ certain earlier results of Gitik. In particular, we construct via forcing a model in which all uncountable cardinals below Θ are singular and a model in which the only regular uncountable cardinal below Θ is ℵ 1.
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  21.  51
    A new proof of a theorem of Magidor.Arthur W. Apter - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (3):209-211.
    We give a new proof using iterated Prikry forcing of Magidor's theorem that it is consistent to assume that the least strongly compact cardinal is the least supercompact cardinal.
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  22. Depersonalization, the experience of prosthesis, and our cosmic insignificance: The experimental phenomenology of an altered state.Andrew Apter - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (3):257-285.
    Psychogenic depersonalization is an altered mental state consisting of an unusual discontinuity in the phenomenological perception of personal being; the individual is engulfed by feelings of unreality, self-detachment and unfamiliarity in which the self is felt to lack subjective perspective and the intuitive feeling of personal embodiment. A new sub-feature of depersonalization is delineated. 'Prosthesis' consists in the thought that the thinker is a 'mere thing'. It is a subjectively realized sense of the specific and objective 'thingness' of the particular (...)
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  23.  35
    Indestructibility and destructible measurable cardinals.Arthur W. Apter - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):3-18.
    Say that κ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\kappa}$$\end{document}’s measurability is destructible if there exists a κ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\kappa}$$\end{document}. It then follows that A1={δ<κ∣δ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${A_{1} = \{\delta < \kappa \mid \delta}$$\end{document} is measurable, δ is not a limit of measurable cardinals, δ is not δ+ strongly compact, and δ’s measurability is destructible when forcing with partial orderings having rank below λδ} is unbounded (...)
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  24.  47
    Indestructibility and stationary reflection.Arthur W. Apter - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (3):228-236.
    If κ < λ are such that κ is a strong cardinal whose strongness is indestructible under κ -strategically closed forcing and λ is weakly compact, then we show thatA = {δ < κ | δ is a non-weakly compact Mahlo cardinal which reflects stationary sets}must be unbounded in κ. This phenomenon, however, need not occur in a universe with relatively few large cardinals. In particular, we show how to construct a model where no cardinal is supercompact up to a (...)
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  25.  68
    Indestructibility, instances of strong compactness, and level by level inequivalence.Arthur W. Apter - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (7-8):725-741.
    Suppose λ > κ is measurable. We show that if κ is either indestructibly supercompact or indestructibly strong, then A = {δ < κ | δ is measurable, yet δ is neither δ + strongly compact nor a limit of measurable cardinals} must be unbounded in κ. The large cardinal hypothesis on λ is necessary, as we further demonstrate by constructing via forcing two models in which ${A = \emptyset}$ . The first of these contains a supercompact cardinal κ and (...)
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  26.  31
    Indestructible strong compactness and level by level inequivalence.Arthur W. Apter - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (4-5):371-377.
    If are such that δ is indestructibly supercompact and γ is measurable, then it must be the case that level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness fails. We prove a theorem which points to this result being best possible. Specifically, we show that relative to the existence of cardinals such that κ1 is λ‐supercompact and λ is inaccessible, there is a model for level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness containing a supercompact cardinal in which κ’s (...)
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  27.  38
    On a problem of Woodin.Arthur W. Apter - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (4):253-259.
    A question of Woodin asks if $\kappa$ is strongly compact and GCH holds for all cardinals $\delta < \kappa$ , then must GCH hold everywhere. We get a negative answer to Woodin's question in the context of the negation of the Axiom of Choice.
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  28.  53
    (1 other version)History: a very short introduction.John Arnold - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Series Copy Oxford's celebrated Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects--from Islam to Sociology, Politics to Classics, Literary Theory to History, and Archaeology to the Bible. Each volume provides trenchant and provocative--yet always balanced and complete--discussions of the central issues in a given discipline or field. Every Very Short Introduction gives a readable evolution of the subject in question, demonstrating how the subject developed in its own right and how it influenced society. (...)
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  29.  64
    Justice et économie: Latitudes d'égalisation et obstacles existentiels.Christian Arnsperger - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):7.
    Cette étude a pour but de situer la discussion sur l'égalité économique dans le contexte existentiel qui lui est approprié. Interprétant le système économique non seulement comme un système de production et de distribution, mais aussi comme un lieu où s'opère une certaine forme de « colmatage existentiel » individuel, nous étudions les rouages enfouis du système économique qui pourraient expliquer pourquoi les arguments classiques d'incitation, souvent invoqués par la théorie économique égalitariste, peuvent cacher des obstacles puissants à l'égalité. Nous (...)
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  30. La théologie de Martin Luther et la théologie contemporaine: interpellations réciproques.Matthieu Arnold - 2004 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 84 (1):53-75.
    Enracinée dans la prière, fondée sur la Bible seule, centrée sur le Christ, et insistant sur la lutte contre le Malin, sur l'engagement éthique et sur la proximité du Royaume de Dieu, la théologie de Martin Luther, soutenue par le courage et l'humour d'un écrivain hors du commun, rencontre maintes préoccupations théologiques actuelles ; mais elle interpelle aussi des théologies souvent embarrassées par le sola scriptura et le solus Christus, promptes à faire de l'homme une victime et limitant l'eschatologie à (...)
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    Reflective equilibrium or evolving tradition?Hilliard Aronovitch - 1996 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 39 (3 & 4):399 – 419.
    This paper presents criticisms of the method for moral and political philosophy known as ?reflective equilibrium? (RE), or in its fuller form ?wide reflective equilibrium? (WRE). This negative purpose has an ulterior positive aim: to set off, by favourable contrast, an alternative approach based on analogical argument as an instrument of an evolving (liberal) tradition. WRE derives from John Rawls but has been broadly endorsed. Though a meta?theory, it involves a certain way of construing liberalism. This essay's target is in (...)
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    Mustafa Lutfî el-Menf'lûtî’de “Koyu Karamsarlık”.Adnan Arslan - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:353-367.
    Vahyin akılla, bilimin dinle, benliğin yaratıcıyla, dünyanın ahiretle çeliştiğini düşünen Batı modernitesi en güçlü etkisini kendi yuvası Avrupa’da gösterdikten kısa bir süre sonra 18. yüzyılda komşu topraklara Afrika ve Asya’ya dünya görüşünü neşretmiştir. Napolyon’un Mısır işgali kuşkusuz bu etkinin Arap dünyası sathında kıvılcımı olmuştur. Başta Mısır insanı olmak üzere tüm Arap dünyası basın ve yayın yoluyla Batı tarzı yaşam tarzı ile tanışmış ve kendi geleneği aleyhinde olumsuz etkilenmiştir. Bu olumsuz etkiyi kendi toplumunda gören Menfalûtî, halkına karşı sorumluluk hisleriyle vaaz ve (...)
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    Osmanlı Mimarisinde Etkin Bir Kadın B'ni: Kethüd' Canfed' Hatun’un İmar Faaliyetleri.Erkan Atak & Erdal Okumuş - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):319-360.
    Bu makalede 16. yüzyılın sonlarında Osmanlı hareminde güçlü bir konuma gelen Kethüdâ Canfedâ Hatun’un inşa ettirdiği mimari eserler ele alınmıştır. III. Murad döneminde (1574-1595) haremin en etkin kadın banilerinden birisi olan Canfedâ Hatun’un İstanbul ve İzmit’te cami, sıbyan mektebi, hamam, çeşme, köprü, su sarnıcı gibi farklı türden yapılar inşa ya da ihya ettirdiği görülmektedir. Canfeda Hatun’un ihya ettirdiği Mimar Ayas Camii ve inşa ettirdiği Saraçhane Sebili günümüze ulaşamamıştır. Gedikpaşa’daki çeşme ise ikinci bir bani tarafından yeniden inşa edilmiştir. Makalede Canfedâ Hatun’un (...)
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    Plato: a civic life.Carol Atack - 2024 - London: Reaktion.
    Chronicles Plato’s thought through the lens of his turbulent life. Plato is a key figure from the beginnings of Western philosophy, yet the impact of his lived experience on his thought has rarely been explored. Plato lived in turbulent times, born during a war that led to Athens’ defeat and decline. A restored democracy enabled the execution of his teacher Socrates. Carol Atack explores how his life in Athens influenced Plato’s thinking, how he developed the Socratic dialogue into a powerful (...)
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    Pourquoi penser l’ouverture des frontières.Idil Atak & Dumitru - 2015 - Éthique Publique 17 (1).
    Au XIXe siècle, il était plus facile de traverser l’Atlantique qu’il ne l’est aujourd’hui de traverser la Méditerranée. Si la traversée prenait davantage de temps, le prix du voyage et le nombre de migrants n’avaient rien de comparable avec l’actuelle traversée de la Méditerranée. En 1903 par exemple, plus de 12 000 migrants pouvaient arriver en une seule journée dans le seul port d’Ellis Island. Les migrants européens s’entassaient par milliers dans l’entrepont des bateaux payant l’équivalen..
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    Reimagining Benin Bronzes using generative adversarial networks.Minne Atairu - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    In this paper, I describe my artistic project, Igùn—a StyleGAN series trained to animate the research question: what bronze objects could have been produced should the 1897 British invasion not have occurred in the Benin Kingdom? In addition to looting over 3000 palace-commissioned artworks, I surmise that the invasion resulted in a 17-year (1897–1914) artistic decline. Although post-invasion colonial reports referred to a thriving art scene and increased colonial art patronage, there is a dearth of visual documentation to identify objects (...)
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  37. Sense of ownership and sense of agency during trauma.Yochai Ataria - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (1):199-212.
    This paper seeks to describe and analyze the traumatic experience through an examination of the sense of agency—the sense of controlling one’s body, and sense of ownership—the sense that it is my body that undergoes experiences. It appears that there exist two levels of traumatic experience: on the first level one loses the sense of agency but retains the sense of ownership, whilst on the second one loses both of these, with symptoms becoming progressively more severe. A comparison of the (...)
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    The Discourse of Kingship in Classical Greece.Carol Atack - 2019 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    This book examines how ancient authors explored ideas of kingship as a political role fundamental to the construction of civic unity, the use of kingship stories to explain the past and present unity of the polis and the distinctive function or status attributed to kings in such accounts. -/- It explores the notion of kingship offered by historians such as Herodotus, as well as dramatists writing for the Athenian stage, paying particular attention to dramatic depictions of the unique capabilities of (...)
  39.  25
    The Relationship Between Cultural Value Orientations and the Changes in Mobility During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A National-Level Analysis.Selin Atalay & Gaye Solmazer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:578190.
    This study investigated the relationship between cultural value orientations and country-specific changes in mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim was to understand how cultural values relate to mobility behavior during the initial stages of the pandemic. The aggregated data include Schwartz's cultural orientations, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, number of Covid-19 cases per million, and mobility change during the Covid-19 pandemic (Google Mobility Reports; percentage decrease in retail and recreation mobility, transit station mobility, workplace mobility and percentage mobility (...)
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    The Turkish Soma Coal Mining Disaster.Erhan Atay, Habibe Ilhan & Serkan Bayraktaroglu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:231-246.
    On May 13, 2014, a fire due to the combustion of accumulated methane gas in the Soma Eynez Mine in Turkey killed 301 miners. This case chronicles the events on the day of the accident and investigates the factors leading up to it. It depicts the chaos and confusion resulting from missing emergency protocol, inadequate responses of major stakeholders such as safety experts in the mine, company executives, and the political leadership at the ministry and prime ministry levels. It shows (...)
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    The Uncanny: New Directions.Yochai Ataria - 2024 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 55 (2):205-221.
    This paper delves into the concept of the uncanny, a theme that has fascinated scholars across multiple disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, literature, and film studies. The study’s primary goal is twofold: to examine the theoretical foundations of the uncanny as explored by Jentsch, Freud, and Heidegger, and to propose a new perspective on the uncanny within the context of modern technological and urban developments. The paper argues that urban, technologically advanced environments foster conditions in which the uncanny can easily emerge, (...)
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    When Body Image Takes over the Body Schema: The Case of Frantz Fanon.Yochai Ataria & Shogo Tanaka - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):653-665.
    Body image and body schema refer to two different yet closely related systems. Whereas BI can be defined as a system of perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs pertaining to one's own body, BS is a system of sensory-motor capacities that functions without awareness or the necessity of perceptual monitoring. Studies have demonstrated that applying the concepts of BI and BS enables us to conceptualize complex pathological phenomena such as anorexia, schizophrenia, and depersonalization. Likewise, it has further been argued that these concepts (...)
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  43.  18
    İsl'm Devletler Hukukunda Devletin Gayrimüslimlere Ait M'betler Hususunda Yürüttüğü Politikanın Dinî mi Yoksa Siyasî mi Olduğu Üzerine Bir İnceleme.İsa Atcı - 2022 - Atebe 7:15-36.
    Müslüman olmayıp belirli şartlar çerçevesinde İslâm devletinin hâkimiyetinde yaşayan insanlara “gayrimüslim” denilmektedir. Hz. Peygamber Medine’ye hicretiyle beraber gayrimüslim toplumla karşılaşmış ve bunlarla ilgili duruşunu “Medine Sözleşmesi” ile net bir şekilde ortaya koymuştur. Sahabe dönemi ile başlayan yoğun fetih hareketleri sonucunda gayrimüslimler İslâm devletinin tebaası olmuştur. Bunlarla ilgili hukukî düzenlemeler gerçekleştirilerek devlet nezdindeki ve toplum içerisindeki statüleri belirlenmiştir. İslâm inancını kabul etmeye zorlanmayan bu insanlara inanç ve ibadet hürriyeti de tanınmıştır. Bununla birlikte bu hürriyetin çerçevesi, İslâm devleti ve Müslüman toplumun maslahatı (...)
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  44. The death of Emerson: Writing, loss, and divine presence.J. Heath Atchley - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (4):251 - 265.
    When I cruise the forty-three television channels available to me (and that's basic cable), simultaneously being enchanted and disgusted by much that I see (a kind of Kantian sublime), I cannot help but think that the culture in which I find myself is less articulate than ever. For this situation perhaps the 43rd President of the United States could serve as a useful emblem—a joke that is all too easy to make. But such a diagnosis of the low standard of (...)
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    Traité de Psychopathologie. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):163-163.
    Written over a period of twenty years, which saw the success of the author's more specialized contributions, the present treatise gathers together personal memories, clinical experiences, and efforts to superimpose without eclecticism the best insights offered by the various psychological and psychiatric trends of the century. A clear delineation of the subject matter and theoretical instruments of psychopathology emerges, and confirms the relative autonomy of this field as against clinical psychology and psychiatry. This method relies on qualitative profiles of the (...)
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    Homo Deus.Nur Azizah, Jauharul Habibi, Galuh Maria & Muhammad Aula Rahmad Shuhada - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (2):251-268.
    This article discusses Islam and homo deus as a new agenda for humanity’s future. This article tries to explain the reading of homo deus and the problems of humanity in the future. Likewise, regarding the issue of immortality and human happiness in the future from an Islamic perspective. This article tries to analyze the problem using the library research model in carrying out an analysis of the main problem. Humans to fight death and the problems that humans expect in the (...)
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    İmam-Hatip Liselerinde Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Sorunlarının Analizi ve Çözüm Önerileri.Ali Baltacı - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 52:241-264.
    Bu araştırmanın amacı, imam-hatip liselerinde çalışan öğretmenlerin mesleki sorunlarının belirlenmesidir. Araştırma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden fenomenolojik yaklaşıma göre tasarlanmıştır. Çalışma grubu, amaçlı nitel araştırma örneklem yöntemlerinden maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma grubunu Ankara ilinin çeşitli imam-hatip liselerinde çalışan 58 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanması amacıyla bir görüşme formu kullanılmış ve görüşmeler kayıt altına alınmıştır. Görüşmelerle elde edilen veriler, içerik analizine tabi tutularak nitel veri analizi yöntemlerinden olan Miles-Huberman modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin sorun olarak belirlediği ilk beş tema: (...)
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  48.  31
    Some paraconsistent sentential calculi.Jerzy J. Błaszczuk - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):51 - 61.
    In [8] Jakowski defined by means of an appropriate interpretation a paraconsistent calculusD 2 . In [9] J. Kotas showed thatD 2 is equivalent to the calculusM(S5) whose theses are exactly all formulasa such thatMa is a thesis ofS5. The papers [11], [7], [3], and [4] showed that interesting paraconsistent calculi could be obtained using modal systems other thanS5 and modalities other thanM. This paper generalises the above work. LetA be an arbitrary modality (i.e. string ofM''s,L''s and negation signs). Then (...)
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    Concluding Editorial Postscript.Christine Battersby - 2000 - Women’s Philosophy Review 26:99-103.
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    Controlling Communications That Teach or Demonstrate Violence: “The Movie Made Them Do It”.Lillian R. BeVier - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):47-55.
    Violence sells, Americans have what sometimes seems to be an insatiable appetite for it. Depictions and descriptions of violence saturate our culture. songs urge us to rape women, kill police officers, and commit suicide. Movies portray-indeed they glorifyviolence as an intrinsic element of every imaginable plot line.Despite substantial evidence that an individual’s repeated exposure to portrayals of violence is associated with significantly increased likelihood that the individual will commit aggressive acts against others, no legal regime currently regulates such portrayals either (...)
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